• Number of Registrations:   208
  • Number of Uploads:     85
  • Faculty Name Department Photo
    Engineering Shoubra Prof. Eman Hanim Ahmed Afifi Department of Architecture
    Prof. Youssef Muhammad Hashem Hammad Department of Civil Engineering
    Prof. Maher Gamil Ahmed Fathy Higazy Department of Mechanical Engineering
    Prof. Mousa Awad-Allah Abd-Allah Department of Electrical Engineering
    Prof. Mahmud Muhammad Hamid Department of Space Engineering
    Prof. Housni Al-Wahsh Department of Mathematics and Engineering Physics
    Faculty Name Department Photo
    Veterinary Medicine
    Prof. Hussam El-Din Mohamed EL-Attar Department of Animal Medicine
    Prof. Hatem Hussein Bakry Department of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology
    Prof. Saad Mahmoud Saad Department of Food Control
    Prof. Mohamed Anwar Hussein Marzouk Department of Animal Hygiene, Behaviour and Mangement
    Prof. Amal Hassan Twfik Abdelnaser Department of Poultry Diseases
    Prof. Hassan Abdel Aziz Aidaros Department of Animal Hygiene, Behaviour and Mangement
    Faculty Name Position Photo
    Prof. Mahmoud Maghraby Iraqi Amer Professor of Poultry Breeding and Dean of the College
    Prof. Nasser Khamis Barakat El-Gizawy Professor of Crops and Vice Dean for Graduate Studies and Research
    Prof. Abdou Mahdy Mohamed Mahdy Professor of Pathology Vegetables
    Prof. Abd El-Kareem Ibrahim Mohamed El-Sayed Professor of Animal Production
    Prof. Mahmoud Hassan Mohamed Mahmoud Professor of Food Industries
    Prof. Rashed Abdel-Fatah Mohamed Zaghloul Professor of Microbiology